"I caught 5 fish in 10 minutes
 using only one piece!" 
           Greg Ray- Kennesaw,Georgia

"Your small pellets work great! My wife
and I put them on a fly rod and caught
a bluegill on almost EVERY cast!"
              Bob McFarland- Talco, Texas

"Yesterday I caught the biggest 
bluegill I have ever caught.  This 
thing was massive!  I caught him on a 
Stubby Steve pellet." 
              Jesse Farnswith, Texas

"I didn't have any worms and someone wanted to go fishing. I gave him the sample pack of Stubby Steve's you sent me to try out. He came back so excited by how many, many fish he caught just using one or two pieces."

          Andy's Trout Farm - Dillard, Georgia

"We took our son fishing. All three of us used
minnows but my son and I added Stubby Steve's
lure to our hook.  He and I caught a catfish,
large mouth, and a small mouth! His Daddy went
home empty-handed (he had to suffer the 
consequences of NOT using Stubby Steve's)!"
             Jessica Robins- Springville, Virginia


"Spring has been cool and wet so I have only been
catfishing once.... they were NOT biting.  We used many
types of baits.  The only two catfish we caught were
on your lure."
                                  Thomas Wilson- Donovan Lakes
                                   Marion, Alabama